Tuesday, 13 March 2012

Easily Create Multiple Test Accounts with Powershell

I was asked to create 400 test accounts for application testing. Not a problem...
1..400 | ForEach-Object {New-QADUser -ParentContainer Domain123.local/TestOU -Name "TestUser$_" -SamAccountName "TestUser$_" -UserPassword "Password1" | Enable-QADUser}

Monday, 12 March 2012

How do I find "null" attributes?

Ever wanted to search for empty AD attributes? Try using $null

For example, to show all users with no email details set, use the following:

Get-QADUser| where {$_.mail -eq $null}
The ActiveRoles Management Shell for Active Directory is a set of predefined commands for Windows PowerShell. Best of all its FREE!

I will refer to these cmdlets extensively in this blog. 
Accept the agreement terms and you're away. 

Welcome to Powershell Goodies!

This blog was created as an "offshoot" of the popular Exchange Goodies site.

My hope is that Powershell Goodies becomes a helpful resource for everything Powershell.
